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Why Are We Running So Fast - And To What?

Life is FAST and getting faster all the time. We have technology and ourselves to blame or thank for this. Before the internet took off, along with the information age it spawned, we were stressed, but nothing like today. I wonder how much stress comes from the belief we need to be plugged in and accessible all the time.

At a business meeting last week, I noticed a number of people texting and answering emails. This would have been unacceptable at this same meeting a couple of years ago. I don’t think it’s acceptable today.

I got into a discussion about this very subject with my son, Rich, who, like so many, is adamant that for business reasons, he needs to answer every text, every email, whether he’s at a meeting, dinner or wherever.

I continued the discussion started with Rich Saturday evening with my friend Dewey, who asked the question, "Why are we running so fast and to what?" Perhaps it’s time for us to stop and think and evaluate this. I’ll start. What am I running to? I know some of the answers: I’m running to greater success, more money, to be of service, to pay the bills (or requests for appreciation (from Busting Loose from the Money Game), to go on vacation, to have fun, to get the most out of life. I’m lucky because I love what I do, but the frenetic pace work and life take on at times leaves me exhausted. And, I’m doing it to myself. We’re all doing it to ourselves.

It’s as if the assumption many of us make is that staying connected through technology should have equal or greater importance than person-to-person communication. I want to be fully present when I am with others, which for me means leaving the cell phone alone, checking emails no more than 3 times a day and not always answering my home phone.

A change may be brewing because I’m hearing more people say they long for real time connections with friends and loved ones; that they’re simplifying, and wanting to slow down. In my coaching groups and seminars I hear the appreciation women have about being together, feeling safe to be real and themselves. Keep asking the awareness provoking question– "Why are we running so fast and to what?" Coaches Challenge: Take a breath and a break from your regular technology routine. Consciously decide how much of your time and energy you’re willing to be available and what feels best to you. 

Personal Note

At 1:30 p.m. Saturday I was teaching a business seminar for women and mentioned my mother, who died from cancer 15 years ago, with her dreams unrealized. I felt teary and was surprised because I’m at peace with her passing. Later that day I heard that my friend Kimberly Boothe had died at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. She too had cancer. Kimberly was a vivacious, beautiful, big-hearted woman and she will be truly missed.

The loss of a friend or loved brings sadness. Going into rather than avoiding the sadness, fear or anger around loss eventually brings us to the other side.

"Anything fully experienced leads to JOY." Sri Bhagavan, Founder Oneness University

Amazon Bestseller Launch Report:

Thank you everyone that participated. What a learning experience and a stressful, crazy week filled with lots of growth. That means it was hellatious, and I survived. The Amazon Launch reminds me of childbirth – you can’t know the pain and difficulty until you’re in the experience. I am very grateful for my A.A.’s, Karen and Carrie, and all my stress management skills – breathe, tap, pray, let go. The bad news: no book sales went through Amazon. The good news: the equivalent of 90 books were sold and people were able to receive their bonuses. My coach has encouraged me to re-do the launch because now the kinks are worked out. I’ll look at the fall.

Movie Review


I loved AVATAR. I heard the criticism of the story line, but I don’t think those folks got the real message of the movie. Every one of my more conscious or spiritually aware friends knew exactly what Cameron is trying to say. I got a little bored with all the war scenes, but ACTION brings the guys in. Cameron in his Golden Globe acceptance speech, describes the message best:

"Avatar asks us to see that everything is connected, all human beings to each other, and us to the Earth. …If you have to go four and a half light years to another, made-up planet to appreciate this miracle of the world that we have right here, well, …that’s the wonder of cinema."

It’s also the wonder of what is possible for us – to embrace our fellow human beings and to appreciate and take care of our planet, ourselves and each other. The old ways of war and power over aren’t working. We have only to look around. We need a new model of power and I’m hopeful we’ll create that very soon.

Upcoming Events

On-Going In-Person Groups:

Movement Psychology: "We think we see the world as it is, but we see the world as we are." Course in Miracles

Please join us if you’d like to experience being:

* More grounded & centered
* Less Stressed/More Peaceful
* More loving & connected
* Aware of limiting patterns to release them gently

Movement Psychology is a body-oriented approach to self-awareness, healing and choice. As we move differently, we become different.

When: Saturday Jan 23, 2010 2:00 – 3:30 (next March 20th, April 17th)

Where: 533 Crane Ave. Turlock CA (The Spiritual Church of Turlock)

Fee: $25.00 each session

Register: Call Gaylene (209) 604-5413 or Lynn (209) 492-8745

Mid-Life Divas In Connection with Valley Wellness & Dr. Lisa Hunt

This monthly seminar is for you if you’re:

  • Tired but wanting to feel energized, joyful & alive
  • Running so fast, it’s hard to catch your breath
  • Stressed and searching for alternatives
  • Experiencing physical symptoms related to mid-life such as fatigue, weight gain, anxiety/depression, memory changes
  • Stuck & wondering how to re-gain a sense of purpose

Seminar includes an assessment of health, wealth, happiness & purpose.

Lynn will share traditional & body-mind strategies in the spirit of fun, exploration and growth.

When: Wed March 3, 2010 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Next April 7, May 5)

Where: Valley Wellness Center 1300 Mable Ave., Ste. C, Modesto

Fee: $45.00

Register: Call Valley Wellness (209) 577-2799


Lynn’s popular in-person seminar now offered as a teleseminar:

Money Magic: How to Create Inner & Outer Abundance in Challenging Times

If you want to thrive, not just survive, in this economy you need specific strategies to:

  • Focus & sustain your physical, mental & emotional energy
  • Shift anxiety about $$ to peace of mind
  • Assess your $$ consciousness – are you a money magnetor getting in your own way?
  • Charge what you’re worth
  • Collapse limiting money beliefs easily
  • Design the action steps to achieve your dreams

BONUS: 3 ENERGY enhancers to boost vitality, aliveness & JOY
and buffer stress & anxiety

When: March 9, 10, 16th 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. (will be recorded)

Fee: $147.00 Regular Price – ONLY $37.00 for clients, past clients, past seminar attendees and networking women

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  • Response
    If you really like football, you probably have a preferred team from the National Football League or two and have a list of players who like to have noticed.

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