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The Martyr Money Type is a Giver…With Strings!

The Martyr Money Type is a Giver...With Strings! Identifying your Money Archetype or Money Type helps you to more clearly your money strengths and weaknesses. With awareness there’s choice and the opportunity for change. There are 8 different Money Types.

The Money Type: The Martyr

As a woman in business, do you over-give to your family, friends and co-workers but have a hard time taking care of yourself? Do you shop for stress relief instead of going to the gym, taking a walk in nature, or talking with caring friends? Shopping may be therapeutic if you’re not stressing yourself with overspending or debt. If you give money to help others, often there are gooey strings attached. “I’ll help you out, but then….” And, self-care is often the last thing on the Martyr’s list and what they most need to change this pattern. The Martyr can limit beliefs about success or earning potential and burn-out is around the corner for this woman business owner. 

Take the FREE and FUN Money Quiz to see if The Martyr Money Type is more in charge than you’d like her to be. There are 8 Money Types and they aren’t WHO we are, they help us see how we’re showing up with money.  15 minute Consult available. 

When it comes to how we really are with our money vs. how we think we are there can be a vast reality gap. “Cognitive neuroscientists conclude that the self-conscious mind (the aware that we’re aware mind) contributes only about 5% of our cognitive activity.” (Bruce Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution) That means 95% of our emotions, decisions and actions are derived from the unobserved (underground) subconscious mind. This is where what we don’t know that we don’t knowabout how we’re showing up with money creates real blind spots in what we allow ourselves to earn, how we value the money we make and how we care and grow our money for the future.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, is a financial coach who writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at

(*Money Coaching System copyright material developed by Deborah Price, Money Coaching Institute and used with permission)


What’s Your Money Type?

The love of Money is the...  Money doesn’t… Rich people are….  Save for a…. 

I bet you could fill in all the blanks of those money clichés. It’s not money that’s evil, but the LOVE of money. We wish money grew on trees. I know many wealthy people that are anything but greedy and it’s always good to save for a rainy day.

We know the answers to these money clichés because we unconsciously pick up the cultural messages around us – many of which tell us there’s never enough money.

I think it’s safe to say that all of us have some type of money “stuff”. One way to dig deeper into understanding what is driving your money bus, so to speak, is by looking at your Money Type.* 

Answer these questions to see if this Money Type is one of yours:

Do you have a tendency to avoid paying your bills? Does the thought of money make you anxious? Do you consider yourself naïve about money? Is it difficult to even know what you think or feel about your money? Perhaps though making good money, you’re still hoping prince charming will ride to the rescue?

If you answered yes to these questions then The Innocent Money Type is showing up in your relationship with money. The 8 Money Types aren’t who we are, but they help us see more clearly what we think, feel and how we act with money. The Type shows us our money strengths and weaknesses. 

The Innocent Money Type appears more often with women than men, probably because women haven’t been in the work force for generations and women have been taught that they are to be taken care of. That’s different now, but it takes time to move past all that programming.

Here are 3 suggestions to move your Innocent Money Type to feeling and doing better with your money:

1)   Take the FREE Money Quiz to see what other Money Types are showing up.

2)   Take baby steps to make changes. Not paying bills? Start there.

3)   Anxious whenever you think about money? Call a friend and ask them to talk you through the anxiety. Or, take 10 breaths (really this calms the fight/flight reaction) and then pay the bill.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at

(*Money Coaching System copyright material developed by Deborah Price, Money Coaching Institute and used with permission)


5 Ways to Think Differently About Money and Turn Money Blues Into Happy Money 

It's not always about making more money. Try thinking about what money you have differently to feel Happier!

Women in business - if you're overwhelmed about finances, stuck on the treadmill of "never enough" and wonder how to ever get ahead - hang in there. Every Financially Savvy woman has to start somewhere. I sure did. In my pre-savvy days I didn't have a clue about money, didn't think about it really, except when bills were due and that didn't mean they got paid. Part of that was ignorance, part denial, part resistance.  Sound familiar? 

Here are 5 Steps to Help you THINK differently about Your Money - a Key to Acting Differently.

Step 1) The first step of change is being willing to do something different. It really does take 21 days to settle a new habit into your brain. Pick 1 thing from the following list and commit to doing it!!

Step 2) Focus on Experiences rather than stuff*:  I love this one. My husband and I live a simple life and one thing we value over a big house or fancy cars are experiences. Dave’s a hanggliding pilot, we like to travel and I like to push myself exercise wise – occasionally. This weekend I’m doing a 30 mile bike ride in Napa with girlfriends. Yes, there will be food and wine.

Step 3) Value the Money You Already Have: Research shows that after $75,000 a year more money doesn’t make people ANY happier – zip. Instead of focusing on making MORE focus on how can you get the most out of what you have. Think of your money as a friend rather than an enemy.  Look at your expenses – no, really print them out and look. Notice where you can cut and make conscious spending decisions. 

Step 4)  Pay Now, Consume Later:  We are a want it and want it NOW society. And, we have the debt to prove it. Yes, it feels different to SAVE and plan our purchases but the brain is trainable. Take one small purchase this next week and put it off for a couple weeks. Notice how you feel when you DO buy it.

Step 5) Time Affluence: Buy Time*: We are so BUSY. “…30% of emails are viewed as unnecessary.” (Happy Money) Try having a TECHNOLOGY FREE afternoon and unplug from email, texting, Facebook. (really – they’ll survive & you will too!!).

(* Information from Happy Money – Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton)


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in small business and direct sales. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at


Taxes & Stress: 5 Steps to Simplify and Soothe

Taxes and stress go together like death and taxes. No wonder we get stressed and put off the pain as long as possible. Stress amps up our fight/flight alarm system. Breathing – even 5 or 6 breaths stimulates the relaxation response and both systems can’t be active at the same time.

No wonder we avoid doing the things we KNOW we SHOULD be doing. But make a VOW to yourself to follow these simple and key guidelines to make Tax Season easier next year.

The Inner Procrastinator is quieted with baby action steps along the way. Baby-steps feels doable and build confidence and STOPS the avoider in her tracks. We all have to do our taxes, eventually and if you're a woman in business, you don't want the stress or weight of back taxes weighing you down with guilt.

5 Steps to Simplify and Soothe:*

1)   Gather Your Records In One Place: This includes mortgage payment receipts, medical bills, donations, expenses. Designate a file folder. Start NOW.

2)   Expenses – Especially if you’re Self-Employed. Have a TAX FILE with a folder or file for receipts.

For example: When I take a prospect to lunch or coffee as soon as I get home I write the name of the person on the receipt and file immediately. 

If Self-employed Medical, Dental or long-term care Insurance is deductable.

TAX TIP for Self-Employed: Business expenses must be ordinary and necessary to be eligible for deduction. Ordinary is expense common in your field. Necessary is one helpful and appropriate for your business.

3)   Use Quickbooks for easy reporting or hire a bookkeeper and ask her/him for reports each month so you know your numbers throughout the year and how much to be saving for quarterly taxes year end.

4)   Britany suggests keeping up-to date on tax laws but I would be totally overwhelmed by that. If at all possible, hire a tax preparer or use the Quickbook reports each month and then give a year-to-date to your Tax Person.

5)   Retirement Plans:  Up to 40% of women retire in poverty. Sad fact and social security isn’t enough to maintain a decent lifestyle.

ESSENTIAL MONEY STEP:  If you don’t already have a retirement plan START ONE this year. Ask your friends and colleagues for a reputable planner or advisor. A planner has more education and initials after their name and look at the big future picture.

I recommend looking for women planners / advisors in your area – meeting with 2 or 3 and then making a decision. One of my 30 something clients started saving $250.00 a month last year automatically. She said she’s not missing it and if she doesn’t touch it, by the time she’s ready to retire she’ll have a good next egg. Another started with $25.00, but in 6 months will up it by 10%. That’s great because it’s building a habit.

We get more overwhelmed when we’re not prepared. Start NOW for 2015 Tax time and you’ll be happier and more peaceful. It's the best gift you can give yourself - and then treat yourself to a new pair of shoes?

**Adapted from Britney Castro, CFP, CRPC  article posted at 15 Tax Saving Tips You Can Take Now


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Financiial Strategy Session with Lynn at or take The Money Quiz to find out your Money Strengths & Challenges.




Women in Business: Try Wineing Away the Tax Blah’s!

Tax Day is April 15th. If you’re a woman in business you may be feeling a little worried or even whiny about the whole process.  You might be wondering how much you’re going to be paying or what you owe, and then how you’ll pay what you owe. (See how our mind can wind around itself with worry?)

Of course, if you’re on top of your record keeping over the past year you know which way it’s going to go. And, if you’re paying taxes, that’s a good thing, because it means you MADE money!!  Yeah you!

But some of us women in business aren’t on top of their money game and feel reactive at this time of year and are madly gathering info for your tax person. Make a vow to be more proactive next year and hire a bookkeeper (it’s worth the expense) who will keep the numbers for you, or put a system into place like Quickbooks. Do it now, not next December. 

Whether you’re in the mood to WHINE or WINE, it’s ok.

Here’s what a group of friends and I are doing to COPE with tax time. We’re gathering together to WHINE (not much) and then to WINE away the Tax Blah’s and oh yes, eat. Doesn’t this sound a lot more fun than worrying or avoiding?

I want to suggest you do the same – start inviting. You’ll feel better and so will your friends. Then, go see the tax person and resolve (and support each other) to be more PROACTIVE next year.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Financiial Strategy Session with Lynn at or take The Money Quiz to find out your Money Strengths & Challenges.



The Money Gorilla: What What Does a Gorilla Have to Do with Making Money for Women in Business?

What does a Gorilla have to do with making money for women in business? There’s an experiment that shows a videotape* of six college students on a basketball court. Three are wearing white shirts, three dark shirts. The instructor asks them to randomly pass a ball amongst themselves and asks the audience to count only the number of passes between the white-shirted students in one minute. About halfway through the process a woman in a gorilla suit slowly walks through the students, who ignore her. The gorilla turns and faces the camera and pounds her chest. Then she leaves the circle.

You’d think the gorilla would catch the attention of the audience, right? BUT 60% of the audience DOES NOT see the gorilla!!!!**

Well, just like on the basketball court, the Gorilla can be there with your money but you don't see it because you're focused on other things. If you can't SEE the Gorilla your money blind spots may be getting in the way of making enough money or keeping the money you make.

What are some of the top money blind spots for women?  A big gorilla I notice is women avoiding rather than paying enough attention to their money in conscious and proactive ways.

Whatever is uncomfortable is human nature to avoid – but to be successful we can’t afford to not pay attention.

Here’s a quick Numbers Check List you can use to stay AWARE of the Gorilla. Because until we're on top of our numbers, it's hard to manifest more money.

Net Profit – monthly and annual - how do you track and stay aware?

Monthly & Annual Expenses - "It's not just the money we make - but the money we keep." Robert Kiyosaki.

DEBT: Add up all the credit card balances for a – take a breath – TOTAL.  Knowledge keeps the Gorilla visible!!

Debt payment plan – How much each month will pay off balances by when? Take ACTION.

Cushion Savings Account – Automatic Deduction each month builds savings faster than you'd think!!

Retirement Savings Account – Start with something small - something is better than nothing. $25.00 a month for 20 years is better than waiting until you’re in your 50s to get started.

Want to know your Money Type? The Money Types are a fun, unique way to discover your Money Strengths & Challenges by taking The Money Quiz.

 Resources: *There’s a great YouTube clip called The Monkey Business Illusion produced by Daniel Simon **Using Your Brain to Win in Today’s Hyper-Paced World  by Holly G Givens)


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at 209 492-8745


You Don't Have to Be Rich - 4 Steps to Enjoy The Money You Have More 

Remember when money was fun? When you were a little kid and it felt exciting to get your first pennies or quarters? With a few dollars in your pocket, you might have even felt rich. Perhaps you had a sense of freedom. Isn't that what we want as adults from our money - a sense of freedom and to be able to enjoy the money we have rather than feel anxious or worried?

Fill in this blank - Rich people are ________. If you're not rich you might say something like - rich people are greedy, or dishonest, or different. When I give talks about money most people respond with a negative statement. That's too bad, because of course those that have money could also be described as generous or giving. But our cultural beliefs about money run deep and quite negative. That's limiting in terms of becoming rich yourself.  

It's true that the rich are getting RICHER. According to The Huffington Post reported Oxfam's "Working For The Few" report that the world's 85 richest people own the same amount as the bottom half of the entire global population." 

But, solving the financial equality of the world is too big a subject for this blog.

Instead, let's talk about the 4 things you can do to enjoy the money you have more. 

A study reported in the book Happy Money by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton asks:  "Would your life satisfaction double if you made $55,000 a year vs. $25,000 a year?" Most people say yes. But, research shows that those making twice as much money - 55K vs. 25K - were only 9% more satisfied than those making $25,000.

Happy Money's research also shows that once you're making about $75,000 a year, more money has NO IMPACT on day to day feelings of happiness. 

Since making more money to be happier is really more of an illusion than reality, what can you do to ENJOY and VALUE the money you do have?

4 Steps to Enjoying the Money You Have:

As a Money Coach who works with women in small business and direct sales I coach women to look at how they value the money they have and in the process can enjoy what they have, right now, more.

1) Buy more experiences than stuff. When we buy experiences, like the 3 week vacation my husband Dave and I just took, they are more lasting and meaningful than material things. Buying experiences contributes to happiness much more than stuff.

2) Make things special by having treats. For example, people that ate chocolate once a week anticipated and savored the chocolate vs. those that ate it every day.

3) Give away small amounts of money - like putting a $1.00 in the Food Box at the grocery counter.  It feels good to give and it's a good Law Of Attraction action.

4) Voluntarily Simplify:  If one has to live in a small house because they lost their big house in the Great Recession, that's one thing. But, my husband and I choose to live in a small home, drive moderately priced cars and take 4-6 weeks of vacation a year. Living within your means can feel very empowering.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at


Your Stressed Brain on Money: 3 Steps to Make Better Financial Decisions

Your brain on money. We women in business love to believe that our logical brain is in charge when it comes to making decisions about money. If we're not in stress or fight or flight, this is true. But, when stressed, it's the emotional brain that's running the show. The research of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, founder of the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, shows that even people with no trauma history, but who are undergoingespecially strong emotional stimulation, we shift into the right-brain (emotional) processing which shuts off logic.  

Emotions Rule - forget the budget you've set for yourself. ATTENTION shoppers - this is WHY - when you come home from a super stressful day at work, your kids are after you for attention, you have to cook dinner, get the homework, etc. and FINALLY, emotionally exhausted, you turn to the internet to do a little SHOPPING and spend more than you had intended. 

I talk to women in business every day who would love to be able to know how to manifest more money, but are worried about credit card debt, saving 6 months earnings for a cushion account, retirement, their children's education, AND have HUGE credit card debt.

What's happening with the brain here? INSTANT GRATIFICATION vs. delayed gratification. Dr. Krueger author of The Secret Language of Money says the logical part of brain says, "I'm saving for my future." But the emotional part says "Oh yeah - I want the money now." And, we know who wins, right?

We aren't going to change the nature of the brain, but we can help our brain make better thought out money decisions by getting the emotional and logical sides of the brain to work together.

Here are 3 Steps to Make Better Financial Decisions:

1) If you're super stressed or upset, table any decisions until you've calmed down. Going through a divorce, losing a business, experiencing an illness all hike emotion. Wait at least 24 hours.

2) Talk to a friend or preferably financial advisor or Money coach to get support and a reality check so you help your brain stay more in logic than emotion.

One of my money coaching clients saved $5,000 in one month and $60,000 over the next year by making one logical vs. emotional decision. It pays to SLOW down, get help and create a plan!!

3) Create a structured plan. What are your financial goals? Write out the action steps to achieve them. For example: Create a 6 month cushion account. Action Step: Only go out to dinner 1x a week. Take money saved and have it automatically deposited into a savings account. DON'T TOUCH SAVINGS.

Click Here for FREE 15 Minute Consult for any money question you have. My gift to you.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at


Are You Making These Time Management Mistakes? 4 Tips to Be a Master Rather than Slave to Time

As a woman in business is TIME MANAGEMENT driving you a bit crazy? Do you feel like you're a slave or a master of the TIME in your life? What I hear from women is they feel overwhelmed and that time is constantly, elusively, getting away from them.  I understand - I feel like that myself at times.

Let's set the stage here - time is the same as it's ever been. What's different? Technology and the constant demand of it. This includes the internet as we know it, which has been around less than 20 years - more like 15. Then we add in smart phones, social media, etc and no wonder we get overwhelmed. Technology pulls our attention in many different ways throughout our work day and UNLESS we are VERY determined to MANAGE HOW MUCH and WHEN we engage - we can feel out of control and sort of victimized.

But, we are not victims. KNOW THIS - your most important time management tool is your BRAIN. Here's a technique to help you move from time slave to master.  

Stay conscious of where your MIND is going by re-evaluating when you're overwhelmed, stressed or anxious with these 4 steps:

1) PAUSE  - Take 10 breaths

2) THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT - Is your thinking productive, day-dreamy, on-task or off? Have you followed the text or email shiny object?  

3) REFOCUS - Refocus your mind on what's productive and positive. If necessary, stand up, wave your arms around, and slap your hands up and down your arms on either side to get the energy moving.

4) WHAT IF? - If you're struggling or stuck with a project - ask this expanding question:  What IF?  What if I knew the answer? What IF I am making contact with the right potential client? The WHAT IF question opens the mind to possibilities and triggers creative problem solving. *

Time management apps like Toggl, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and project managers like one I use called Trello are all good.

As a Money and Business Coach I help women manifest more TIME and attract MONEY through their thoughts, habits and actions.

*NOTE: adapted from Using Your Brain to Win by Holly G. Green - very good!!


The Secret Time Management Question You Need to Know as a Woman in Business

Women Business Owners: What’s the Secret Time Management Question you need to know? Are you like most women who struggle with “TIME MANAGEMENT”?

As a Money Coach I ask women to check in when feeling unfocused or stressed about work, with this SECRET Time Management Question “Is the activity I’m doing right now REVENUE producing?”  Boom! Don’t ignore your answer or make excuses or answer that text to distract yourself. Just listen to your answer. That’s right – If you’re not able to stay focused and keep your attention on revenue producing activities during your workday – why are you in business? Remember the saying? If we’re not making money, we have a hobby business. Yikes.

Financial Coaches and experts say that, depending on our profession, we want 20-30% of our time each day spent on specific revenue producing activities. Do you know how much of your time is going exactly where? If not, do you know how to figure that number out? See Bonus Discovery Session below and I’ll personally help you.

3 Time Management Ground Rules:

Do you have any limiting beliefs about your time and money? These ground rules in place for answering emails and attending to work related social media? The first rule is to keep to business only during the workday. Second Rule: Turn off automatic pings or alerts for email or texts -TOO DISTRACTING. I never have them on.

Rule Three: Have regular times you call people back or answer emails. I suggest first thing in the morning, mid afternoon – just after lunch - and evening before you quit for the day. Try these  simple rules for the next 30 days – they will make a big FOCUS difference for you.

BONUS: I am now offering a Complimentary PowerUP Your Money & Your Business Discovery Session to get at the heart of your money & business challenges to be able to manifest breakthroughs. This session is all about helping you know what’s working with your money & your business and where the breakthrough is for you. There’s no obligation or pressure.

Guarantee:  I will help you answer the Revenue question – how much of my day – EXACTLY – is Revenue Producing. And, I guarantee you will get an answer to the Revenue question or one other burning money or business question during the Discovery Session.

Call Lynn at 209 492-8745 to set up your personal appointment now, or email at  


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Certified Money & Business Coach, Professional Speaker & author, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly PowerUP Your Money blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, your Business & your JOY get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at