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Entries in retired women (2)


Women in Business & Retiree's: Become A “Boomerpreneur”

Women in Business - are you bored with your current job or career? Have you been downsized or let go? Are you trying to figure out your next step and aren't sure how to capitalize on your skills, talents and abilities?

Or are you in or near retirement and looking to increase retirement income or start a new chapter as a “boomerpreneur." “Americans 55-64 have launched more businesses than any other age group during the past decade, closely followed by those 45 to 54, reports the Kauffman Foundation.”*

The great thing about starting your own business is that you won’t get fired or downsized. But you must have the focus, discipline and persistence to make it through the first couple of vulnerable years. (More than 50% of businesses don’t and usually because of poor planning or under capitalization.)

Here are key questions to ask yourself and elements to keep in mind when starting your own business:

* Are you a risk taker?

* Do you enjoy uncertainty?

* Are you competitive?

* Really important: Have you maintained your drive as you age?

Other questions to answer:  How will you fund your business – get a loan, borrow money from your home, obtain a partner?   

Women forty and above have the wisdom and life experience to be able to hone in on your passions, skills and talents. In most economic down cycles lots of new businesses emerge. There's lots of help available from business associations, the Chamber of Commerce and local colleges.  It's a great time to stretch into a new venture as a "Boomerpreneur."  Just make sure you ground your dreams with a business plan and action steps and strategies and realistic expectations.  (* Money Magazine, “How to be a Boomerpreneur”– May 2012)


Why Are Only 8% of Women Ready for Retirement?

Women control 51% of the wealth in America. I was shocked and pleased to hear that and yet many, many women I talk with aren't planning soon enough or saving anywhere enough for retirement. Instead what I observe is that women often don't want to think about retirement. And, while I understand, retirement going to be here sooner than we'd like to imagine.

Women are working very hard in their businesses, caring for their children, their families (including elderly parents). Who has the time to consider and plan how to make their money work for them?  When I'm coaching women in business I assess how much income they're earning, if they feel they're charging enough (often not), how their spending is, the amount of debt they are carrying and whether they have a 401(k) or other investment vehicle. 

Here are three things women need to do. And remember: "A man is not an retirement plan."Deborah Price, Money Magic

1) Just Start an investment account. The earlier the better. "For the first time, women in the work force full time are just as likely to have access to a 401(k) as men and their participation rate is as high as we've seen." Catherine Collinson, president, Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. (Modesto Bee 2-5-2012)

2) Know what you'll need to replace your income in retirement and maintain your lifestye. Google retirement calculator, pick one and plug in social security, other income and expenses. This exercise is not as fun as going shopping, but when you're 75 and either don't want to work or are unable to, all those shoes or beauty products you're buying today aren't going to keep you warm or add to your income. But the $50.00 a automatically deducted each and every month can and will.

3) Take more risks. Women don't often take investment risks. I'm financially conservative myself, yet we want our money to work as hard for us as we've worked to obtain it. Women still only earn 78 cents on the dollar compared to men. We take time off to have children or caretake others. The really savvy women I know do take calculated risks. One of my friends has been a real estate investor for 30 years and built quite a retirement fund for herself. Here's to you taking charge of your money today so it works for you tomorrow!!