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Entries in robert kiyosaki (2)


3 Tips to Turn Failure into Success

Failure isn't failure if we learn from it.  Just between you and me, I've had many failures in my life. If you're a woman in business you've had your share also!

Here are 3 Tips to Turn Failure into Success:

1) An optimistic attitude is essential:  Scott Adams, of Dilbert comic strip fame and author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big lists his failures in the book and there were over 20. But he had unfailing optimism and he finally succeeded BIG.  

2) Keep your foot on the gas pedal:  Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of Lean IN says women need to keep their foot on the gas pedal.  I agree. Sometimes we take the foot off the gas pedal because we've been working really hard, had some successes and think it's time to rest. Sometimes women in business take their foot off the gas pedal to have a family. I think she has a point that if you're wanting to compete with the big boys you have to stay in the game. Women are still bumping up against the glass ceiling although we're making progress. 

3) Learn from your Failures & Mistakes:  Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, makes a valid point about the education system. He says it doesn't allow for falures and to make mistakes. As a young business man his first business failed, he lost millions, yet what he learned from that failure helped him succeed with his next business.  

As I look back at 2013 I see my failures - not staying focused on one thing at a time - and my successes - closer to my financial goal, more systems in place anda  much improved bottom line.  

Turn failures into successes by first listing your TA-DA's:  Make a list of your successess for 2013 and of any failures. Write down what you learned from each mistake and what you can do differently in 2014.  

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: 

Author, Money & Business Coach, Lynn Telford-Sahl publishes the monthly PowerUP Your Money for women in business. If you’re ready to get past financial stress, value yourself and your money more, get your FREE tips now.  


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: 

Certified Money & Business Coach, Author and Professional Speaker, Lynn Telford-Sahl, writes the weekly JOYwithMoney blog for women in sales and small business. If you’re ready to PowerUP your Money, Business & JOY Success get your FREE Strategy Session with Lynn at




Mature Enough to Make More Money - and Keep It?

I work with women in business who want to make more money. Some have what it takes, some don’t. How do we know?

A friend shared a story from T. Harv Ecker of Millionaire Mindset fame. He’s made a lot of money; from what I can tell mostly from teaching people how to make more money. 

He says making more money is sort of like ice cream. We have to be mature enough to earn the right to a double or triple scoop. You know how you take your 5 year old to the ice cream store and they’re all excited to eat ice cream. You're thinking one scoop is plenty. But then they see a 10 year old who has two scoops. Or grown ups with a banana split. Now they're not satisfied. They want two scoops. They throw a fit, but, you let them know that’s it. One scoop. On the way out of the store, plop goes their ice cream. "See, you tell them. You weren’t ready for more than one scoop." After a couple of experiences, they figure out what it takes to handle one scoop. Then they're ready for more.

It's the same with money. In the beginning of our life, we're not ready for more money. Most of us make lots of mistakes with money. We open credit cards, ring up balances, get into debt, overshop or overspend. We haven't yet earned the right to more money.

If we learn from our money mistakes, it matures us. We begin to understand our relationship with money and what it takes not only to make it but to keep it. As Robert Kiyosaki says, 'it’s not about how much money you make, it’s about how much you keep." Play his game Cash Flow sometime. It’s like Monopoly on steroids and very quickly demonstrates where you're really at with your money consciousness.

Financial maturity takes practice and patience. Enjoy and learn from your one money scoop until you're ready for two, or more.